Bible Study: Acts 19-20

In these chapters, Paul finishes his third missionary journey, returning to Jerusalem in time for Pentecost. [Remember, Pentecost / Shavuot / is a Jewish festival, celebrating the revelation of Torah on Mt. Sinai to the Jewish people. It happens 50 days (thus the name) after Passover. It is one of the three pilgrimage festivals, when Jews gather in Jerusalem. read more here In Christian tradition, it is 50 days after Easter, celebrating the pouring of the Holy Spirit on the disciples in Jerusalem (Acts 2).] First Paul goes to Ephesus, where he meets disciples who have been baptized by John with water, but not with the Holy Spirit (cf Mark 1:8). Paul teaches them about the Holy Spirit, baptizes them, and lays hands on them, and they receive the Spirit. There are 12 of them; perhaps this is a commissioning of a new group of leaders, parallel to the original 12 in Israel? The story tells us Paul spends 2 years, preaching in the synagogue and in a public lecture hall, s...