Bible Study: Mark 1

Mark 1 5-27-18 Although the gospel of Mark is noticeably short, the first chapter is pretty long, and a lot happens here! The story begins in the Judean wilderness (the south) where John baptizes, but Jesus begins his public ministry in Galilee (the north). Why would Mark begin with a quote from Isaiah/Malachi? What is the significance of Jesus being baptized? Hold on to verses 9-11; you’ll notice they’re a motif that will come again in this gospel. Notice Jesus’s places and times. He goes to various cities and locations in those cities, and “on the Sabbath” marks the time. Why does that matter? Sunrise over the Sea of Galilee Jordan River in the Judean wilderness Synagogue at Capernaum How many different “hooks” can you find, something that assumes you know something more than is stated in the story, or that calls to mind another event or story? Being 2000 years removed from this sto...