Sermon Luke 3:1-6 Advent 2 Prophets
12-9-18 Two of the four Sundays of Advent are dedicated to John the Baptizer. Next week we’ll learn what John says; today we look at the prophetic part of this story, because the Hebrew Bible readings for Advent all come from the prophets, and today’s John the Baptizer story includes a quote from the prophet Isaiah. There are many prophets in Hebrew scripture. Some of them have books in their name: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the 12 minor prophets. (Minor means their books are shorter, not that they’re less important.) There are earlier prophets too, who show up in the stories of the kings: Samuel, Nathan, Elijah, and Elisha. Moses is also considered a prophet, and we could add Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther as well. The role of the prophet was to know God’s thoughts, and communicate them to the people—usually to the people of God but sometimes also to other kin...