Summer Reading: Daniel 5-6

Chapter 5 brings us into the supernatural, if not science fiction. The king, Belshazzar (who was not, historically, Nebuchadnezzar's son, but for some reason is named so in this story), is hosting a party and decides to use the sacred vessels from the temple in Jerusalem as wine glasses. So a vision appears (reminds me a bit of Dickens' A Christmas Carol ), presumably a warning from God in response to the desecration of these holy relics. Daniel is called in to interpret, and tells the king what he sees, even though it's bad news for the king. This is the second time we've seen a reference to four kingdoms (also seen in Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the statue, chapter 2). These visions of sets of 4 serve to "predict" the demise of four empires, at the end of which time God will usher in God's eternal and perfect reign. The apocalyptic nature of this vision will be seen again in the second half of the book, when Daniel receives the dreams. The four empir...