Thoughts for this Good (?) Friday

I do not like to be alone (well, never, mostly) but even moreso when I am afraid or sad. And I usually feel both afraid and sad, a little bit, and lonely, on Good Friday. Today all of these are bigger, of course. I’ve already been afraid and sad and lonely for weeks, in this isolation, so there’s a cumulative effect. And they’re bigger because on a “normal” Good Friday the fear and sadness are related to Jesus, and only Jesus, for me. I feel things deeply, and the sadness of the story of Jesus’ Last Supper, betrayal, trial, torture, and crucifixion hit me hard. Disciples running away to hide in a room because they are afraid makes perfect sense for me. I don’t feel sad very often, but on these days I feel all the feels, and I’m grateful for the space and permission these days give me to do the feeling. Of course, I know what comes next; if I didn’t, I’m not sure I could bear it. But this year? Fear and sadness and loneliness, oh yes. Here they are, as they have been loite...